Mark's Ascension
a witness of Mark Prophet and the ascended
masters by Dorothy Angleton
I attended Mark’s memorial
service and drove home with a friend. We took the usual route and
came to the first place where the mountains come together. I looked
up in the sky and could hardly believe my eyes. There was a giant
threefold flame-blue, yellow and pink. It wasn’t made with
clouds. It was just there in the sky, three giant plumes of fiery
substance. At that moment, we wished we had a camera. Then, we came
to another break in the mountains and up in the sky was a gigantic
victory star, made of white lines. We knew it was for Mark’s
After Mark's passing, Summit University was happening
at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara. I attended an evening service
and they played one of Mark’s favorite songs, “How great
thou art.” I was sitting in the overflow room and all of a
sudden I heard Mark’s voice singing. After the service, I
told the people at the AV booth that I had to have a copy of that
tape. “Sorry, they said, “we don’t have a version
with Mark.”
“I heard him, “ I said.
“No,” they said, "he’s not on
that tape.” They played the tape for me and sure enough, Mark
wasn’t on it.