Auld Lang Syne
a witness of Elizabeth Clare Prophet and
the ascended masters by Therese
I had the blessing of many encounters
with Mother, from intense fiery disciplines to the most tender and
intimate love. I witnessed Mother both as a person and as a guru,
and she did change my life forever. I will never forget when she
baptized me. It was my first conference and I had no idea what to
expect. Her voice, as she placed her hand on my head, shifted and
came down from heaven like down a tunnel. It had a resonance that
was out of this world and profoundly moved me. On the baptism picture,
Mother and I were both smiling so intensely.
My next encounter with Mother was more challenging.
A couple of years had passed and I was staying in the Washington
DC Teaching Center. I was working on the other side of the city.
It was the end of the day and I called the teaching center for something.
The director told me Mother had just dropped by. I remember running
as fast as I could across town, on the metro, up the escalators,
a mile down the road. I knew there was no time to lose. I got to
the teaching center, in record time and Mother was about to leave.
I was going through a difficult period in my life and I wanted Mother
to reassure me. She was putting on her coat and she had her back
turned to me. I tentatively went up to her and told her that I needed
to know that God loved me. She spun around and fiercely said with
piercing eyes,"Unconditional love is a New Age thing. You have
to earn it!" Then she walked out, leaving me stunned. Nevertheless,
this goaded me to strive harder and those words have never left.
I understand that Mother and the Master were not going to coddle
and indulge my human consciousness sympathetically.
From that point forward I went through about three years
of intense disciplines, one after the next, that were to test my
mettle as to whether I would stay on the path or not. One day, I
called Mother on the youth hotline and told her I could not overcome
one of these disciplines. She didn't say much on the phone, but
that entire night, I tossed and turned as I felt bolt after bolt
of spiritual fire going through me. I knew I was being stripped
at the deepest level and I was grateful for it, even though it felt
During a conference, Mother was selling some of
her clothes. My friends and I were quite excited about it because
clothes hold the light essence of the person who wore them. All
I could afford was an old gown from the 1960's made of white cotton
weave that was badly stained, and had a long trail to it. I bought
it, even though there was no way it could fit. It was both way too
long and way too tight. I was prompted to machine wash it with lots
of bleach and then put it in the dryer. I was so nervous about this
step, but did it anyway. Lo and behold, when I took the gown out
of the dryer, it was pure white and had stretched and shrunk in
just the right places for a perfect fit! I couldn't wait to wear
it at the next conference and went up to see Mother. "I recognize
that gown," she said, with a twinkle in her eye. The funniest
thing about this is a few years later, my husband told me that around
that same time, a friend had given him a picture of Mother and Mark
on which Mother was wearing that dress and told him this picture
would magnetize a wife to him!
I attended my first Summit University in San
Diego. The day after SU was my birthday and we were having a bonfire
on the beach. Mother came to join us and we had the most wonderful
time together. At one point we were standing against the water and
she held my hands, and we looked deep into each other's eyes. We
were both smiling and felt so much joy. It was an unforgettable
moment. As the evening grew to a close and it was time for Mother
to leave, we sang to her Auld Lang Syme, the song of Lemuria. She
turned to us and waved goodbye.
That next Christmas, my grandfather passed on.
He was someone I was extremely close to and I experienced deep grief.
I attended a Christmas party where Mother was and I told her about
it. She was very comforting and simply rubbed my back as we sang
Christmas carols together. By the end of the evening I was feeling
much better. Two days later I ran into Mother again and she told
me she had been watching my grandfather's transition on inner levels
and that he was shooting up like a rocket from octave to octave.
This understanding was such a gift to me.
Mother invited some of her staff to come to her
house to look at her Christmas tree. For whatever reason, I was
the only one who took her up on the offer. We sat in front of this
huge, beautifully decorated tree together and then it was time for
her to read her son a bedtime story. She told me to stay and after
she left the room, her electronic presence around me became so strong.
The combination of lights from the tree with her spiritual mantle
was so powerful, it was like sitting in front of the I AM Presence.
She made sure I was not alone in the room!
The following summer my husband and I started
dating. I was very unsure of the situation and kept bumping into
Mother in completely unplanned ways, at the ranch, at the Bozeman
Hot Springs late on a Saturday night, and even walking down a beach
in San Diego! Every time I doubted the next step, Mother would show
up and tell me that we were to get married in King Arthur's Court
and that she wanted to bless us. The process went on for months.
Finally I told her we couldn't pick a date because there was no
good astrology for at least two years. To this, Mother responded:
"Pick the worst date you can find so I don't have to hold the
balance for you!" We actually picked the best of the worst
dates and when I told Mother the news, she was thrilled. She must
have known that the cycles were turning and there was no time to
wait. Our wedding was one of the last she attended.
During the reception, Mother was sitting next to me.
I placed my head on her shoulder and we shared a most intimate moment,
beyond time and space. She told me there was so much love in the
room and then she said, "I am devoted to you for life."
I was so deeply touched and did not know what to reply. I told her
I was devoted to her for life too. Her words have never left me,
expecially when the going gets really tough. When Mother left for
the night, I collected all of the wedding roses I could find, (there
must have been a couple of hundred) and gave them to her.
Mother was very present with the birth of my first
child. I brought my baby to her a couple of weeks after her birth
and she had pitch black eyes. My daughter was extremely colicky
and I knew from her birth that she was not resolved about coming
back into embodiment. Mother held her, spoke to her and she calmed
down. Then she said, "Look at those big blue eyes!" I
was wondering how on earth Mother could see that. Sure enough, a
few months later, my daughter's eyes turned to a very bright blue.
Mother held my daughter every opportunity she had.
Then, she attended her baptism ceremony, which was the last time
she was ever in the Court. To this day, my daughter, now 6, talks
about "GuruMar" and how much she loves her, and has passed
this awareness on to her younger sister.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never
brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of
auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.