Mother's Premonition
a witness of Elizabeth Clare Prophet and
the ascended masters by Alex Reichardt
One evening Mother asked me to drive her two daughters
back to Camelot from her home in Malibu, California. She then gave
me a stern warning from the Master that if any dogs should try to
attack the vehicle, to keep going and not swerve to avoid hitting
them, jeopardizing the lives of her daughters.
That night while driving along the Pacific Coast
Highway, the sound of a pack of vicious dogs enveloped the car.
Remembering Mother’s warning I kept going straight with the
dogs yelping on all sides and the girls screaming.
After the sounds subsided, one of the girls insisted
we go back and make sure the dogs were okay, saying she would feel
awful if anything had happened to them. I turned around and discovered
there was absolutely no sign of them or any evidence they had ever
been there.
These were astral energies that Mother had anticipated
were going to attack us. Had I not heeded her warning, I might have
fallen into the trap and an accident could have happened.
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