The Teachings Are Real
a witness of Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the ascended masters by Caroline Hanstke

      I attended an outreach presentation by a local teaching center and was informed of a conference to take place at the Ranch Headquarters in Montana. What I had heard so far of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters attracted me enough to want to attend the conference to determine whether Elizabeth Clare Prophet was real.
    In spite of the many trials and tribulations in gathering together my young teen-age daughters and our cat, and getting our vehicle ready for the trip we actually arrived in time for me to attend the first dictation which was by Archangel Michael and on Michaelmas day. I felt particularly compelled to be present for that one.
    Being brand new I would ordinarily have had to watch a televised version of the event in Kuan Yin's Chapel. Instead, because not all the conferees had arrived, there was room in King Arthur's Court and I was able then to observe Mrs. Prophet directly. I am so grateful as this was a major turning point in my life. As Archangel Michael began to speak through her, I could see him over her, mostly as light flowing above and around her but also with some form and features. I knew immediately that it was Archangel Michael and my being filled with exaltation that this was real, the Messenger is real, the Teachings are real.
    I will never forget the experience and I am eternally grateful for these beautiful servants of God, including Mark and Mother, the Seven Founding Masters, the entire Great White Brotherhood, and all the wonderful embodied souls who by their prayers and decrees and service helped make it possible for me and for others like me to connect to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.