Lost and Found
a witness of Mark Prophet and the ascended masters by Grace Johnson

      I accompanied Mark and Mother on their Middle East trip. As we traveled in Lebanon one day, we made a rest stop and I went into a gift shop and purchased a small angel statue. Two of my traveling companions were with me. During our bus ride back, I was sorting through my tote bag and I suddenly realized my billfold was missing. I removed everything from the bag to be sure. Needless to say, I prayed fervently. There were no international credit cards then and all of my money was in the billfold. As we entered the hotel I saw Mark and told him what had happened. He calmly remarked, "Grace, this is most unfortunate." As soon as I got to my room, I hurriedly went to my drawer and there was my billfold right on top. All of the money was there except for the amount I had spent that day!