It's What's On the Inside That Counts
a witness of Mark Prophet and the ascended
masters by Alejandro Genis
I first walked into
La Tourelle in Colorado Springs and the person who greeted me said,
“Oh, you get to meet Mark Prophet.” I saw a guy standing
in the back dressed up as a cowboy with a big hat and a buckle.
The idea that the prophet was a cowboy struck me as so funny. I
looked pretty odd with my long hair, my yellow tank top with a cherry
on it and my huge white canvas pants, but I thought he looked even
more ludicrous. Mark turned to me and said, “It doesn’t
matter what you’re wearing. It’s what’s on the
inside that counts. Isn’t that right?” And he held out
his hand. This took me aback and I thought, “He’s reading
my mind.” Still, my first impression of Mark was that of a
wonderfully interesting man with warm and very intelligent eyes.
I took a liking to him immediately.
The following Sunday, I attended one of his lectures
and asked him if I could serve on staff. He said to me, “You
have some light,” and told me I could work at the Four Winds,
the health food store and book store.
Mark came in every day to visit and almost every
visit was an opportunity for teachings, whether it was how to make
the food better or how to clean the floors better. Disciplines and
initiations were part of the mix.
I was fascinated to watch Mark and to see what
I could learn. One time, he picked up the phone to call the warehouse
and sort out a problem, and the person on the other end started
defending themselves. Mark started shouting and really getting into
it. In the middle of the drama, he put down the phone and said,
“I really got him hopping.” Then he picked up the phone
and gave the person a corrective teaching. On another occasion,
Mark wasn’t pleased with the man washing dishes. “You
are far too serious,” he told the man and laughed as he walked
by. The dishwasher was grumpy for only a few moments longer and
then his countenance changed and he lightened up.
Mark loved humor. During my first conference,
I saw a man in the distance dressed with a turban and I thought,
"Look, there's someone from Saudi Arabia." I walked over
and it was Mark with a blue tunic and a white turban!
Mark was at the same time both very physical
and very ethereal. He would say the most profound things. When he
gave an invocation, you could really feel things change in the room.
At the same time, he like to tell very down to earth stories about
his time in the army or working in construction. He also loved to
wrestle and he would grab you in a headlock when you walked by.
He could even grab two guys and put their heads together. He would
say, with a very serious tone, “I’m a karate master
on the inner.” Some of the behavior seemed so silly, you never
knew whether he was joking or not.
For a while, everyone on staff belonged to a health
club and we went down once a week. One day, Mark met me in the dressing
room. “Well, how do you think I look?” he asked me.
“I guess you look pretty good,” I replied, not sure
what to say. “I’ve lost weight,” he said. “You
know, I’ve got a young wife and I have to keep in shape.”
His concern struck me as so sweet.