I encountered Mark Prophet quite by chance on an
icy street corner in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in December,
1972. Recognizing him from a Summit Lighthouse flyer I had seen,
I invited him and his four companions—as it turned out,
Summit employees—to the Indian restaurant where I worked,
for some tea and conversation. He accepted with a hearty smile.
Soon we were seated under a picture of the
Hindu servant, Hanuman, while Mark shared his enthusiasm for ‘Mother
India,” enchanting our small restaurant staff and me with
anecdotes from his visit there. He described the overflowing abundance
of temples and shrines and religious statuary. We heard of bus
rides with yogis meditating in lotus position while chickens flew
about the cab. He shared with us the ‘mystical beauty’
of the Taj Mahal. And he told of receiving freshly baked chapattis
from gracious Buddhist monks in their tranquil Himalayan retreat.
Reflecting back on this encounter, as I have
done numerous times, I can say that what came through from Mark
was his vibrant humor and an almost childlike joy of sharing in
the Spirit. He is often described by those who knew him as confidant
and friend as a person of magnanimous heart.
I can witness that it was my single encounter
with Mark and his magnanimous heart that drew me to the Summit
activity, and that has helped me through the thick and thin of
all the ensuing years to sustain my spiritual path. In short,
meeting Mark Prophet was a life-changing experience and an enormous
blessing, and I shall forever be grateful to him.