I have many fond memories of Mother but one
in particular was when Mother and my own mom met in 1986 at Camelot
in California. I was on the staff at the California headquarters
and my mom flew in from Texas to visit me. She was receiving the
Pearls of Wisdom but she didn't want to join the organization,
and that was fine with me.
We were walking the grounds of Camelot and
under my breath I said a prayer to Mother Mary, hoping that we
would see Mother. Well, sure enough within about 10 minutes Mother
came walking around the corner with her own daughter Erin. I called
out to her and over she came.
Mother had the sweetest, warmest smile on
her face and she looked into my mom's eyes, shook her hand and
they talked about normal everyday things. It was a short and sweet
visit. It wasn't long after this meeting, however, that my mom
joined the church and became a Keeper of the Flame. My mom told
me that an electrical current went through her hands and arms
and into her heart when she and Mother shook hands.
From then on my mom and I walked the path
together, until she passed on from cancer in 1993. Mother took
the time to speak with my mom in Minneapolis during that difficult
time before she passed on. Mother gave my mom great comfort and
shared her truths with her. I believe my mom grew leaps and bounds
after that talk and I am forever grateful.
Memories like this are forever imprinted
in my mind. Mother has left a huge impression on me. I saw many
people inspired to accomplish unbelievable feats because they
were in love with the path, and it was Mother who cheered us all
on. I adore her. She is very real and personable and yet regardless
of what went on around her she never faltered from her mission
which was to bring these teachings of the Ascended Masters to