Greater Love
a witness of Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the ascended masters

     Greater Love hath no man - or woman - than this that (s)he should lay down his life for his friends
In small ways and great Elizabeth Clare Prophet was always for me that friend and the expression of that greater Love.
One of my special memories with Mother and a memory of her real, personal, and constant Love for her students was on an occasion when individuals and families had an opportunity to have their picture taken with Mother at a waltz by a professional photographer.
     After a long line and wait it was our turn, my wife, my 4 year old daughter, and I. Even after spending extensive time with many people before us, I will never forget when we came forward, that loving gaze and smile that Mother had for us as if we were the most special people in the world. I tend to be shy and I know that Mother recognized that right away. She simply reached out and took my hand, gave me a real hug, and then she would not let go of my hand. Smiling all the while she just kept hold of my hand until I had to turn to her again and open my heart to her in love and then still with that cherishing gaze she simply said " put your hand in the hand of Lanello." It was like the warmth of our sun Helios and Vesta shining on us, cherishing us unwavering. My wife and daughter felt it too.
    Mother taught me many things through that simple kindness: Don't ever be afraid to Love, to be in the moment and to hold on to and cherish Love in the moment, to remember that you are so greatly loved by God as you are, or would consider yourself to be, and that you are worthy as a son or daughter of God, cherished as such, if you would let yourself be, that you don't ever need to turn away from or let go of the Truth, the Truth is constant, that is caring and Love.
    It is a great gift to have known a person who was a living flame of Love.