A Matter of the Heart
a witness of Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the ascended masters
In the winter of 1989 I went to the Grail Room at the
Ranch Kitchen in Corwin Springs for a special event. I was going through
a very painful divorce and feeling very downhearted, I actually had
a heavy pain in my heart. I was in the ladies room at the same time
as Mother and I consciously decided not to say anything more than, “Hello,
Mother” because I wanted to respect her privacy. In the foyer
leading to the ballroom, I became aware that Mother was noticing me.
A few moments later she took the opportunity to speak to me and asked
what the matter was. I was evasive in my response as I was awaiting
a letter from my husband which would determine whether I would get a
divorce. I wasn’t sure what to say at that point.
That night while I slept, Mother came to comfort
me at inner levels. She had a warm and motherly demeanor and said to
me, “Is it a matter of the heart?” I woke up feeling Mother’s
love and concern for me and I knew she cared about what I was going
through. She did not let me avoid her and wriggle away in my painful
condition without giving me her love. That experience touched my heart
deeply and I am very grateful for it’s lesson in compassion.