Our message is a message of infinite love
and we must demonstrate that love to the world.

— Mark Prophet

   Those who knew Mark spoke of him as an adept, a teacher, a man with joy, spontaneity, playfulness, discipline, severity, humility, childlike innocence, a thundering voice and a very big heart who was not afraid to, as Mother Teresa said, “love until it hurts.”

   In her book, Memories of Mark: My Life with Mark Prophet, Annice Booth speaks of how Mark could modify difficult weather patterns through the power of his love. She also explains how he helped her lose 25 lbs. in three days through positive visualization, and how he even drove through a wall with a carful of people, unharmed, in order to pass a spiritual initiation. There wasn't a scratch on the vehicle as matter separated to make way for them. Mark could change traffic lights to green. He modified the paint color in a room to a darker pink by the sheer power of his love. He would spot dangerous oncoming traffic from miles away with the help of his higher consciousness and move out of the way on time. He also liked to slap negative substance off of his coworkers in the sauna, until they could actually see the energy form into a ball.

   Now ascended, Mark is known to his students as Lanello, the Ever Present Guru. From his ascended state, he teaches us to be with him, “everywhere in the consciousness of God.” He encourages those who seek his help to write letters to him and burn them. His answer never fails.

   These words written by Terry Canady describe him:

“He was so gentle he could soothe a baby child!
Yet God gave him pow’r to make the storm run wild!
Not a greater man you’ll see
More than once in a century.
He’s not gone, Mark is with us all the while.

“He was a prophet, ‘twas his mission and his name!
And those whose lives he touched will never be the same!
You could tell that he was purity
And you could read the truth
In the holy words he spoke in God’s name.”

   The witnesses posted here tell the story.

Howdy Partner
Mark Becomes Invisible
Parting the Fog
Lost and Found
Traveling Through Past Lives
Meeting Mark Prophet
Holy Water
Indian Tea with Mark
Morya's Birthday Gift and Other Stories
Chanting Elohim and Other Stories
A Gift of Healing
My Children Mean Everything to Me
Mark's Ascension
It's What's On the Inside That Counts
Bus Driving at Night
Miracle of the Oil
The First and Last Time I Met Mark